Monday, October 29, 2007

Buddha Cat

I have Marie's installment of the round story here in front of me, and I am about to read it. Of the all of us, she seemed the most apprehensive to add to our little binge of a crazy-ride. But several days before our last Sunday meeting, she e-mailed me out of whatever blue area she was in just to tell me she had seven pages of it written. So yeah, here goes. Page one...


Hee. Cool. Whiff...

Ha. Siegey cat turds. Storm the manor!

Egads! She spelled Aston Martin correctly! I think it should be el Scottish way. Hush from thee, John! Thine is a whiny whine! Keep it lowly!

Ho. Deserter Greyling...

Ah. Fixed the Scottish spelling. Good.

I say, English slang terms. Gracious sakes...

Omuhgawd! Meddling Buddha Cat!

Good old Digby. Gotta love the guy...

Goodness me; Buddha irony!

Heh. Naïve Hannah...

WHOA! And WOW, I feel impelled to add! Drama! Suspense! And a freaking awesome twisty, screechy, huge whacking left turn at the end.

The gods of literature be with you, Bob.

Oy vey. I love the possibilities of tomorrow.

So we've gone eight chapters. And I'm not sure, but I think it's just about night time.

Marie did a good job, folks.

1 comment:

The One and Only John said...

Make sure you make her aware of that at the critique, Mr. Luckless.