Thursday, November 15, 2007

Strong Coffee octothorpe one

Unfiltered stream of consciousness: Start time: 2:35.


Hannibal [the two famous Hannibals: Hannibal called Canibal, and Hannibal who attacked the Romans over the alps on elephants and thusly took them completely by surprise. They expected Hannibal, they expected the alps. The elephants took them completely agawp]. whoop, have a banana. The alps are a mountain range in, near, around, and outside of Sitzerland. Swiss cheese. Switzerland had the Swiss, and they didn't speak Swedish. Sweden speakers of the Swedish. Swedes weren't neutral. I don't even know if Sweden had been invented when there were any World Wars. Switzerland was neutral. They were neutral, and so all the people from The Great Escape wanted to go to Switzerland and buy Swiss Army Knives and holey cheese. Not holy. Holy meaning sanctified. (Not sanctimonious. Nor sacrosanct. Although sacrosanct would, conceivably, be closer. Sacrement and sanctify and sacrosanct seem to have things in common.) The Great Escape, where the Aussie got away without incident. Coincidence? Probably. Australia, like siberia, was the place where bastard imperialists of ancient days sent their criminals. The criminals proliferated, and now they have their own countries. Australia has the lowest murder rate--apparently--and Siberia has tigers. [Tigers of siberia are more bigger than Tigers of India. India has all the small versions of bigger animals. Like elephants.] Where did Hannibal, not a canibal, get his elephants? There aren't any elephants in Europe. He must have imported them from India. Where everyone is castrated, and that's why they speak in high voices. {David Beckham. Craig Furguson. Broken DVD player. Fixed DVD player. Uncle needs a hard drive.}

Ending time: 2:45.



Nickel Halfwise said...

That looked like fun. I have been thinking lately about doing some sort of stream-of-consciousness exercise; perhaps I will do something like that, except the result I imagine would be somewhat different, seeing as how my mind works quite differently. (Sometimes I wonder how it works at all...)

The One and Only John said...

Decaf. All I have to say. Decaf.




The One and Only John said...
