Thursday, November 05, 2015

In the Beginning of Any Campaign of Conquest, Inventory Must Be Made First of Goals and Then of Resources

My goal is simple:
Sell books.
“Books” is a broad term. It includes comics, novels, movies, and whatever else I collaborate to produce. It includes books that I produce alone, books I produce in collaboration, and books in whose distribution I have a hand in any way.
My resources are as follows:
  1. My wit
  2. My mind
  3. Words
  4. The internet/new technologies in general, including blogging platforms, vlogging platforms, word processors, video and sound editing software, and other things that I understand or that I know I could easily learn; also, the content stored in the same
  5. My charms, natural and practiced
  6. My perspective, by which I understand that the tools on this list do not necessarily adhere to preordained patterns
  7. My memory, with which I compile information like this:
I once heard a good piece of advice, which I will rephrase for the sake of pithiness:
Avoid overestimating what you can accomplish in one year; never underestimate what you can accomplish in five years.
My goal is objective. My tools are incontrovertible and simple.

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